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2×SYBR Green PCR Mastermix
2×SYBR Green PCR Mastermix
Quantitative Real-time PCR Kit;Realtime PCR Kit;RT-PCR Kit
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Take 1/2 volume of the premixed solution of PCR reaction system according to the dosage, add the same volume of aqueous solution containing primer and template, and mix well. The total volume is the total PCR system, the amount of primers and templates can be calculated according to this system.
Product introduction:
This product is an efficient premixing system for Realtime PCR amplification with SYBR Green Ⅰ dye. The premix system provides optimized buffers, dNTP, HotStart Taq DNA polymerase, SYBR Green I dye and MgCl2, and users only need to add the right amount of primers, templates and water to perform fluorescence quantitative PCR detection. The optimized buffer and HotStart Taq DNA polymerase in the premixed system can greatly improve the sensitivity and specificity of PCR products. Realtime PCR MasterMix uses the highly efficient HotStart Taq DNA polymerase to make the PCR reaction more sensitive and specific. This product can be used for fluorescent PCR detection to obtain sensitive, accurate and reliable results. Can be suitable for any fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument, such as ABI7000 / ht / 7300/7500 7700/7900 Realtime PCR System, FTC2000, lightcycler etc.
Features: High specificity: This product uses hot start DNA polymerase, and has amplification activity after 2min above 90℃, which can greatly improve the specificity of PCR products. Sensitivity: This product contains an optimized buffer to detect low copy number templates with good repeatability. High applicability: This product can be applied to any fluorescent quantitative PCR instrument.
RNA was extracted and reverse-transcribed into cDNA. The dilution of the template was 102, 103, 104, 105. The length of the target fragment amplified by the designed primer was 125bp.

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